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Northern Kites Australia came out of a desire to help the kitesurfing community enjoy the sport of kitesurfing as safely and economically as possible, and to repair kites as a hobby. I've been doing it now for over 4 years! I also specialise in big light-wind kites, so you can enjoy the sport in the best possible conditions, all year round.

Townsville kite rental, Townsville kite hire, Townsville kite repairs, Townsville kites for sale, kite hire
Townsville kite rental, Townsville kite hire, Townsville kite repairs, Townsville kites for sale, kite hire
Townsville kite rental, Townsville kite hire, Townsville kite repairs, Townsville kites for sale, kite hire
Townsville kite rental, Townsville kite hire, Townsville kite repairs, Townsville kites for sale, kite hire

Northern Kites Australia, prides itself on sharing the stoke.

  • We repair any kite defect to the utmost care and quality,

  • We have a wide range of equipment for hire, including harnesses, spare parts and boards; and,

  • We re-condition pre-loved kites at affordable "entry-level" prices.

Townsville kite rental, Townsville kite hire, Townsville kite repairs, Townsville kites for sale, kite hire

Townsville is a perfect place to kitesurf, with miles of space, shallow flat water and perfect weather, for at least 10 months of the year!

Pallarenda beach and Magnetic Island are just a couple of the popular kite-surfing spots, and there are plenty more to explore, including some great parks for land-kiting.

Contact Fernando Today! 


Tel: 0434 879 784

Townsville, Queensland. Australia

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